I visited Penland School of Crafts to have a kilncasting workshop from July 23rd to August 8th. It was 2nd visit to the Penland after 13 years of when I was a MFA student at Rochester Institute of Technology. The school holds several workshops, included clay, wood, metal, textiles, books, painting, printing, photograph and glass studio, and almost 300 people gather during the session. It is wonderful place to meet and influenced by artists from different areas. The school was filled with the energy of creation and surrounded by beautiful nature.
My class focused on "hollow-core kilncasting" and expressed our ideas by layering the inner and outer space of glass. We mostly spent the time mixing the plaster and making complex molds during 2 and half weeks. The Penland cat, Tom, made my smiles everytime I see him. Thank you for Penland making such wonderful opportunity, and my dearest TA Sarabeth!! |